Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Random Thoughts on Ubuntu

Ok, there are two things I want to talk about Ubuntu for today. Be mindful this is just a quick run-down for the stuffs I want to talk about before I have time to write something more in-depth and accurate.

First, Ubuntu finally unveils the mystery behind the countdowns on its webpage- another mobile OS in a already crowded mobile market. Despite the common consensus that there is no more space for another OS, Canonical begs to differ and develops their own mobile OS. Being an arguably long-time linux-based mobile OS user ( Maemo and later Meego), I am personally excited about the news, as I believe it will speed up the development for Qt platform. More competition, more innovation. With two exciting linux-based mobile platforms rolling out this year,the landscape of mobile platform for 2013 is going to be unlike (heads up, Jolla fans).

However, It is still early to say whether ubuntu platform for phone is a competitive player just yet. The demo on youtube looks promising and the OS interface looks very similar to the desktop counterpart. Because of the similarity, I expect the user experience of the mobile should be the same with the desktop version.  Beside that, there aren't many new features that are unique to this particular OS. Yet again, I was just skimming the fine prints on the website, so I might miss something. Hopefully, more details will be given at CES on Jan 8 -11 at Las Vegas.

The second thing I want to talk about is less exciting. After being a Window user since I first learned of computer when I was a kid, I finally switch to use Linux (Ubuntu). It is true that I dabble in Ubuntu every now and then for my classes, but I never use it as my sole OS on daily basis. It is all new to me and I am still struggled to set up Ubuntu with working apps. I probably write more about my experiences later on.

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