Sunday, February 24, 2013

Why Apple Clearly Thinks You're Stupid

Well, one picture is worth a thousand words, but a video clip say it all. Without further ado, here, it is.

Why Apple Clearly Thinks You're Stupid -- powered by

p.s In all fairness, I do think Mac VS PC ads are funny and worth to watch it, but not so much with the iphone ads. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

WTF is wrong with iPad? I simply had enough of it and I only had it for 15 mins

Well, it is obvious that I am not a fan of iPad or i-anything in general.  It is my belief that technology should be open, innovative and engaging to the users which make me a proud non-owner of any apple products. Yet, it is just my crusade against the tyranny of capitalism. There is no need to drag everybody to join. Therefore, unlike some other vocal haters out there, I usually keep my personal distaste to myself, as thou should not pass judgement on one another. Also, Apple products are expensive. Some people actually save up money to buy the "dream device(s)" (in some cases, selling their own kidney to get it). I think they unequivocally earn the right to enjoy their devices. Therefore, every time when my friends are flashing their new iDevice to me and raving about how great the device is, I usually just put up a smile and listen, trying to share their joy while knowing there is whole new world out there. In fact, I tried to reason to myself that deep down in my heart, I believe there must be some goods in those pretty gadgets; I just fail to see it.  

However, this time I simply had enough. I can't help myself but to talk about my experience on how frustrating it is to use iPad. 

So, here it is:

Like most of the frustrating stories go, I was in a hurry and needed to get some files from my friend who recently purchased an iPad. Like everyone else, my friend immediately usesd the iPad as his sole device and stored all his things on iPad, even though he hasn't entirely figured out how it worked yet. As he eagerly tapping on the iPad, it became clear he had no idea what he was doing. Being such an inpatient person, I took over and started furiously tapping on the screen. As much as I want to claim I am way smarter than my friend, I too had a very hard time to find a way to send a file (After 6 years, Bluetooth still doesn't work, an attach option is no where can be found in the stock email app and it is still lightyear away from using NFC). When both of us ran out of options, I enlisted one of my friends that used IOS in daily basis for help.
Here is a summary of the clean-up version of our 20+ Whatsapp massage exchanges:   

                 - the message screen-shots generated by ifaketext-

At the end, we decided to use facebook to transfer the files I need. The whole thing took about 30 minutes in which I can put those time into good use.  

If I paid $499+ for a mobile device, I expect that device make my life easier,  such as sending a file without a moment of hesitation in which $20 cellphone can easily achieve that task. Unfortunately, as you can see, it is not that easy with the iPad or IOS in general. Well, some may argue, like my iPhone friends, I will eventually get used to it. My response would be why would I pay almost 500 bucks to get used to something that shouldn't be existed at the first place. If they can make a phone as a remote control to a flying model plane, they can definitely make a functional email client, like every other god damn software companies.  

My only advice to Apple is that instead of adding more pixels on the screen, putting more cores into CPU, or coming up a cool name for whatever, they should go back to the very first question. What make a great device great?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Top Three Questions Jolla Can't Give You A Straight Answer( Or You Just Refuse to Listen)

I have been following Jolla for quite some times.  It became my daily ritual to check up on Jolla's Twitter and Facebook to see what they have been up to and what the other say about the development of Jolla.

To be honest, I am quite impressed by how actively Jolla is engaging to the community. Unfortunately, there are certain questions that they just can't give us the answer we want , even if they really want to (or not).

I feel sort of bad for the PR guys at Jolla that they have to answer the same set of questions again and again, even though those questions have been addressed appropriately ( Not satisfyingly, but we can't always please everybody). If I were them, I would probably gone mad for keeping answering the same questions.

Here I listed the three most popular questions from Jolla's Twitter that I would find them annoying if asked over and over again. However, if I ran into anyone from Jolla, I would not hesitate to ask the same questions myself. ( I just can't help it.)

#1-  Support for existing devices
Will Jolla Support N9?
 Answer: Nope, at least not officially. Here is one of the most recent official responses

If you are like me that got nothing to do but to spend hours on internet, you will notice it is almost the same response we got from them on November last year.
If you keep digging, you will find the message has been pretty consistent since the beginning. This is earliest official response I can find.

I guess we should take that as a hint that they are not going to change their mind for awhile .Even if you don't keep track of Jolla's tweets, there are plenty of Jolla's fan websites/Facebook/Twitter/Blogs to say the same things; even Engadget wrote up an article to report that.

As a proud owner of n9, I understand how bad we all want Sailfish OS running on our phone. Obviously, we are not getting any further news from Jolla, especially not from their official Twitter account, unless we are willing to pay for the huge lawsuits. As they already made it clear, the porting process has to be community-driven and off-the-record. There is really no need to ask the same question on every other days. If Nokia and Jolla make some kind of deals in the future, I am pretty sure they will let us know.

#2 Product's availability
Will the Jolla phone be available to my country?
Answer: It depends, but they can't tell you the details just yet.

If you live in China or Finland, the answer is most certainly yes, but ,for the rest of us, we just have to wait. The reasoning is simple: if the deals didn't go thur, it would just let down a lot of people which is worst than being just unavailable. It is best for us to wait and let them work behind the scene.

#3 The technical specification of the product ( both hardware and software)
Does the phone have this and that? Does the OS have such and such?
Answer: Well, you can use the phone to make a phone call for sure. Beyond that,we just have to sit tight and wait, but they do closely listen to what we want .( Hopefully, we can know more about the phone on MWC 13)
To sum up, It is fun to speculate and discuss about rumors. It is just a part of the game and Jolla is more than happy to play along with it. At the same time, Jolla can only answer your questions to a certain point. Asking the same questions is not going to help and probably take up their time to address to more pressing/interesting  matters. If you are a fan of Jolla, you should do your homework before asking any questions.
** I changed one of tweets as I posted the wrong one ( I blame it on the Firefox, as it somehow disable the JavaScript)
** And Thanks for reading it and feel free to check out my other biogs :)