Sunday, January 20, 2013

Teaching your mom can be Fun [Video]

I was just browsing on YouTube as usual and I came across with this channel that I found it rather interesting.

In this channel, there is an Australian guy who made a series of videos of his Mom trying out different OS on a desktop. He didn't just pick the most popular OS (i.e
Windows and Mac OS), he literally picked any OS you can think of, from the ancient MS-DOS to cloud-based Joli OS. To be honest, I haven't heard of some of the OS. His mom actions/comments on those OS are hilarious. 

I find his efforts quite admiring. I tried to do a similar thing with my Mom to let her try MeeGo OS, but that didn't work out that well. It took times to find the right OS and set up properly on a desktop, particular the old OS. Also, it is really up to the Mom whether she is willing to be a good sport or not.

In short, those videos are funny and definitely worth your time to check it out.

This is Windwos 8

This is MS-DOS 6.22

This is one of my favorite: MS BOB


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